Posted by UgottaHaveHope on November 30, 2005, at 4:13:59
That was one of my biggest problems in finding a medicine to treat anxiety and depression. Everything they told me would take 3-4 weeks to kick in. I am not a patient person, when feeling well. When I am not feeling well, I have zero patience.
I bet out of the 40 meds I took, about 30 or so I would try to switch after 10 days if I did not feel anything. Most of the time I did not feel anything.
Why are we like this? I might've found something to help me earlier if I had been a little patient. I guess a lot of it came from having no patience and little trust in my pdoc. I can tell them how I feel, but they dont know how I feel. They seem to prescribe me on what has worked with other patients of theirs who have nothing in common with me.
And when you start reading about other people's experiences on this message board, you feel like you know more than the pdoc. And if you ask them to switch meds with conviction in your voice (I mean really sell it) they will usually give it a try.
OK, what is my point? I have lost my point. No here it is: You have to have patience with these meds, people! You did not get into this situation overnight and you will not get out of overnight.
PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE! The power word for today.