Posted by med_empowered on November 28, 2005, at 7:56:18
In reply to epilim (sodium valporate)andAropax(prozac), posted by arina on November 28, 2005, at 3:28:41
wow...seroquel plus all that risperdal? that's crazy. OK, so here's my story: I was dx'd bipolar II, which is kind of a "trendy" diagnosis it seems in the US. So, I was medicated up to the gills (maxed out on 7 medications a day!). I quit all the meds (that was rough). I became severely depressed--developed hallucinations (just hearing voices) *after* being put on medication. So, then, this incompetent shrink DX's me as schizophrenic. I didn't really believe it but..I was so scared, and so weakened by all the crap I'd been going through. I put up with that for about 2 months before I switched docs...this doc was just like "'re Bipolar, of some sort". Switched from Abilify to Trileptal. Had a drug-induced psychotic episode (high-dose adderall used for depression and ADHD). There, the shrink at the hospital apparently thought I'd been making up all my diagnoses or something...I was re-diagnosed as having "narcissistic personality disorder," which I think is a crock of sh! do my friends and anyone else who actually *knows* me. Anyway, the change in diagnosis didn't change the meds--still trileptal plus other crap. I stopped taking that, too, and now I feel...better. Not PERFECT, mind you--its not like I gave up meds and suddenly everyday is sunshine and lollipops, but I feel better, and I feel like *myself* again, which is really good.
Psychiatry kind of bothers me. I mean, there aren't any real tests for these "disorders/diseases"...its part of "the art of diagnosis," whatever that's supposed to mean. I also don't think they help people all that much...Thorazine and the Tofranil-type antidepressants were introduced in the 50s, and the drug revolution in psychiatry began. Since then, lots of people have been put on meds, but the suicide rate (in the US at least) has gone up...A WHOLE, WHOLE LOT. And now it turns out antipsychotics can sometimes induce depression/suicidality, antidepressants can cause violence and suicidality, so on and so forth. I'm sure drugs help some people in some circumstances, but I really think we've gone overboard.
Thanks for sharing your story.