Posted by Cyn523 on August 19, 2005, at 11:30:32
I had never been on anti-depessants previously, and I went on Zoloft, starting at a very small dose (12.5 mg). By the third day on it, I was extremely aggitated, with racing thoughts, talking fast, pacing, etc. There was movement in my peripheral vision. I stopped the drug immediately, and within hours, was restored to my normal state of being. Now, because of that situation, I've been diagnosed as BiPolar II. I thought it took ~6 weeks for anti-depressants to start working on the brain, so how could it induce mania that rapidly? Is it possible this was an ideosyncratic response??? I went on Wellbutrin after I quit the Zoloft. Have been on it for months with no adverse affects. Any thoughts? Thanks!