Posted by willyee on July 25, 2005, at 3:38:01
Heres a dilema i have,just curious for any suggestions or even to know if anyone else deals with it.
During the day,especialy morning after awakening,i feel very lethargic,going back to lay down seems like the brightest option.
In fact sometimes i have to take on a maniac behaviour and jumpstart with a shower and push myslef into tasks so as not to head back to the bed.Also i notice during miday its very easy for me to lay down and peacefully take a nap,its inviting.
I also notice when awakening from a short daytime nap,i feel fine,and can sit up watch tv etc.
NOW heres the dilema,when it comes to night time,whether i napped or not regardless,im never looking forward to heading to bed period,also when i try to set myself up for it i notice once the light goes out and i lay down i experiance a huge burst of energy,like i could very easly get up and want to do things rather than sleep.
Unlike the drift of the nap i find myself forcing a sleep attempt,usualy unsuccesfully.
As important i notice if i do make it through a full night,unlike a nap,i wake in terrable TERRABLE condition.I feel very very depressed,very lethargic,like some hit me with a bat on the hour as i slept.Also i am very prone to nightmares during night sleep where as a nap never producses a single nightmare.
Also the nap the sleep is inviting,where as night time i feel this lift of depression and i just dont want to be there laying down trying to sleep.
I dont know if this is because of the metabolites of my specific med parnate,or im just weird or what.
I do know however that i have a book that states electro magnetic fields are milder at night and depressives find it much more calming at night,which is why many become night owls because they feel better at night and feel more able to do the things at night that neglected while sleeping all day.
Any comments?