Posted by Slinky on July 16, 2005, at 5:40:36
I've been taking 800mg tegretol(400 twice a day)for 2 weeks.
I quit paxil about three months ago it was bearable but the withdrawals came back strong when my tegretol dose was increased to 800mg--not only physically but mood- this after 3 months .
I started lexapro a week ago because I was climbing the walls and hated everyone and everything-10mg and it is helping a lot .
I still feel angry and hostile..little things become obsessive in a negative way.
Is there a chance that the tegretol is'nt working. When I start the tegretol I feel ok probably because it reminds me of being a little drunk.
Does it get worse before better long does it start helping..I'm not sure if it helps or not.
I'm not looking for the magic pill..but surely it would ease the agressive nasty part of my illness.
Sorry I can be a bit inarticulate.
I'm very confused
Thanksps..lithium depakote and especially lamactal made me unaturally angry also.