Posted by lushkins on June 6, 2005, at 8:58:19
In reply to MEDICINE IS WRONG!, posted by prozacpuppet on June 6, 2005, at 5:54:41
I aggree with puppet to a certain extent, despite being on meds myself. Although they help releif some of the symtoms, they change you so much. They may make life better to a certain extent. For some they are the only option and it may litterally mean the difference between life and death no matter how positive/ or how much talk therapy there they need meds. This is not saying that positive thinking doesn't help them as it would but they also need the support that medication would give them, but for others it is to a degree the easy way out. I myself have tried it without the meds, and to a certain degree got somewhere I would have times where I felt quite good, but I would always have downs that I couldn't shake off and in the end it got the better of me. One day when I am feeling good enough I will try again to come off them.
But at the end of the day mental illness is one heck off a spectrum ranging from the slightly ill to the seriosly ill, there is no denying that. My uncle is schiztophenic and takes 7 types of meds but is still in a terrible state and spends alot of the time in hospital, his illness was caused by starvation of oxygen at birth so like it or lump it puppet there are people that cannot live without meds.