Posted by Rjlockhart98 on April 29, 2005, at 21:14:02
Well everyone who has read my previous posts, you know my craziness.
Ok, i have taken Klonopin 1mg 3X daily, sometimes i did, and didnt. Because it wasnt working, and just let my body adjust to its own anxiety.
After that i thought Ativan was going to be a rescue, but somehow it is not. I take the same dose, 1MG 3X daily, lorazepam makes me apathetic, than klonopin, but still i have rapid thoughts that confuse me about everything.
Well, my next appointment i am going tell him its not working, i dont know what really he's going to do know. I think i have overgrown adrenal glands. When i was going delusional a couple months back, i didnt know what sanity or stableness was, my perception changed, i thought did i do something, passed out and banged my head a bit? do i have a tumor, am i having siezures, i went to a nuerologist and just went balistic, he sent me for an EEG, the oldest test on the brain! and had blood work.... yea i was relieved/ not. . I thought i had do have all brain scans, MRI, CAT, PET, and SPECT. to see what was wrong. I was so deeply convinced to myself that htere was something wrong.
I used to abuse meds, and ask about them alot. At this point that stage has gone, i have had it with experimenting. I just want to be normal without anything.
Im going to get a lobotamy.
Matt M.