Posted by TomG on August 17, 2004, at 17:34:20
I have psychotic depression with schizophrenic symptoms mainly paranoia, disorganzied thought, and confusion. More accurately I have mild schizophrenia.
My life has been completely turned around by Geodon in the past two months. It has been a miracle for me to be honest. I have taken the antipsychotics Seroquel (for sleep, low dose), Zyprexa up to 15mgs (weight gain tiredness), Abilify 15mgs (akathesia), and Risperdal (very low dose for a very short time). I was being treated for bipolar and anxiety disorder prior to the correct diagnosis by my current doc. So you can imagine I have been on many different kinds of meds. All the atypicals listed above were duds but not Geodon. I guess it is that 'magic bullet' like people say on this board. I also take Neurontin 1200mg. The Neurontin was increased to 1200mg from 600mg when I started the Geodon. I without a doubt know that the Geodon is working and I don't owe the sudden improvement in my mood to the dosage increase with Neurontin. I don't know why my doctor is keeping me on it, because he too is convinced that the Geodon is the drug that is working. So....
About week ago I get tired all of a sudden and this lasts for a couple of days. I thought it was because I am jogging and lifting weights and not going to bed until midnight every night. So I have stopped my exercise and started trying to get some sleep. Also I noticed that my evening dose of Geodon was making me a little more out of it than usual.
Now I am tired, unmotivated, slowed, not as talkative, my wit is diminishing, and I'm just not 'feeling' if you know what I mean. That spark is just not there like at the beginning of Geodon treatment. For the record I definately was not manic. The good side is that I am not confused, my thought is organized, and I have no anixiety. Coffee seems to help get me going. My doc is on vacation and his fill-in lowered my Neurontin to 900mg. Could Neurontin all of a sudden after three months of taking it caused this suddden tiredness. What are some ideas on what this could be? My hair is also falling out pretty bad. I read that hyper and hypo thyroidism are rare side effects of Geodon. I am 28. My ideas of add-ons after I completely quit Neurontin are Strattera, an SSRI, or Provigil. What do you think? I also know that somolence is a the numero uno side effect of Geodon, but why would it start two months into my taking of the drug? Unbelievably I only take 20mg a day. That is below the usual starting dose. I don't see where a dose increase would do the job of getting rid of tiredness. Am I experiencing some sort of depression? I'm just looking for some opinions.Thanks