Posted by denise1904 on August 16, 2004, at 23:52:18
Just wondering if anyone knows what the latest is as far as research on Depression and possible new treatments goes? Don't mention rTMS as have just completed 14 sessions of it and it hastn't done anything so far. But don't let that put other people off as I've heard it can work just not on me "yet again". Feeling very sorry for myself right now.
Over the last three years I've heard of various things being in development, CRF Antagonists, Peptide P drugs but they never seem to come to fruitition.
Also, still can't understand why SSRIs don't work for me like they used to anymore, people just keep saying to me "Well your brain changes as you get older' but they worked for me for almsot 10 years (I realise how lucky I was after reading some of the posts on here) how come my brain stayed pretty much the same for all those years in order for them to work and how come it suddenly "changed in my mid 30s"? And if that's the case, I wonder what's in store for me in another 10 years time, is my brain gonna change some more and I'll be even worse??
I just don't get it anymore, the more I read the more confused I get and nothing makes sense. Everybody on here seems to have their own theories but there doestn't seem to be anything substantial.
Also, another thing which doestn't make sense to me is why is it that these researchers and Doctors seem to go by the theory that these antidepressants take at least 4 weeks to work and this is because of Neurogenesis or something. When they worked for me they worked within days?? My Doctor says this istn't possible, like I was lying to him or something??
And what's happening with these MRI scans, are they showing anything? Does anyone know?
I'm so sick and tired of this being an issue. I'm in Vancouver, the weather's been beautiful and I'm sitting here miserable and fed up.