Posted by duck on April 14, 2004, at 23:34:49
I discovered this site by accident, and am glad I did. I have dealt with mental illness for all of my 51 years. Mine's due to "bad" brain chemistry & environmental issues in the home. I was lucky--though I was short-term hospitalized a few times, in the 1970's, I am able to work & am now semi-tetired. I've used medications--Thorzaine, Mellaril, Trilafon, Haldol, etc--but I don't take any, now. Meds make my eye pressure high, and i've had glaucoma 3 times, lost some eyesight. Thyroid condition would complicate dosages. etc.
Main way my thought disorders manifest themselves: I love things--like the fabric satin (it IS shiny & smooth!), big hands (great for playing piano!) & ducks!! When I love somethng, I really love it!!! I kiss my satin bedsheets, also have kissed the satin table covering used at church during Lent & Advent (purple, high-quality satin!) When I worked, in an office, I faced ill treatment, because of my illness, I felt i was unfairly treated. I also have physical problems, poor vision & hearing loss, which makes my voice loud, and I got lots of hassles on the job because of these problems. I am a devout Catholic, and try hard to live my faith & not to retaliate, but it was hard, and I am glad I am outta there (work). I admit, some were kind, but not many. I do try to be kind to others.