Posted by snarley on March 4, 2004, at 18:03:30
In reply to Re: Prescribed New Medication - Doctor Unresponsive » snarley, posted by confetti on March 4, 2004, at 17:19:25
Confetti! someone else with the sweating! =(
I had terribly gross sweating on the effexor for the first month or two, but it did eventually go away. So if you're like i was, with sweat dripping off your palms if you hold a hand up for a few seconds, or just soaking through pages you are trying to write on, i've been there. It's rough times. Mine was mostly centered around my hands and sometimes my face. Even if i was cold my hands would still be gross, but overly hot buildings definitely made it a little worse (thats when the brow sweat would happen). It should go away soon if you can muddle through it in the meantime...
I never had any problems with sleepiness on it; if anything i was taking trazodone at night for the first few weeks so i could fall asleep more easily. But that went away as well, much more quickly than the sweating. However, i have been having incredibly vivid dreams maybe once a week ever since i've been on effexor (about a year). They're not dark or disturbing or anything, so they dont really bother me (i was never one to remember dreams much before effexor, and if anything they were hazy, so i'm guessing this is a side effect for me).
Also, I take mine (150mg) in the morning. Have you tried that? i know it sounds wierd considering your tiredness effects, but taking stuff at night has always done strange things to me. Maybe you're the same way. Couldnt hurt to try for a day or two if you haven't tried yet.
The only other thing that hasnt ever gone away is that i'm an eyedrop fiend now when i wear contacts--i guess effexor dries out the eyes a bit. I have dust/pollen allergies that already made it annoying, but effexor made it bad enough to warrant daily use of eyedrops whenever i decide to pop in a pair of contacts.
And a final note: I'm one of the few "happy" effexor posters here because i'm on the board lately for problems with other stuff--ie being recently dx'd with ADD and dealing with meds for that now (strattera was a headache and a half). The effexor i love, but the other stuff is what i'm on the board here working on.. When i see an effexor post though i try to let people know it can actually work =D hehe