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Re: Seroquel

Posted by Camille Dumont on January 18, 2004, at 10:45:02

In reply to Seroquel, posted by Sugarpuss on January 17, 2004, at 13:04:54

I took Seroquel for a little while.

Started at 25mg for psychotic features + insomnia.

It definately takes care of the insomnia ... as in put me to sleep in like 20 minutes but it also gave me "strange" sleep.

A couble of time a night I would wake up shivering and sweaty all over. Also, in combination with the Effexor that was at 225mg at that time, I lost about a pound a week. Went from like 115 pounds to 105 pounds without changing my diet or trying to lose weight. I figured it had something to do with the sweating as in maybe it made my body temp higher and thus made me expend more energy.

In the end ... at about 50mg I got tired of the zombie feeling + I had to take it around 9AM to be able to get up at 6AM and go work which meant I basically had no life aside from work and sleep so I stopped taking it.

I'd rather be an awake insomniac with on and off visual hallucinations and depersonalization rather than a zombie with no psychotic side effects.

Seeing things that aren't there is sometimes scary but sometimes entertaining whereas being a zombie never is ... or at least never was for me....




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