Posted by Spotcheck on January 15, 2004, at 17:42:16
In reply to Re: OPIATES IN TREATMENT FOR DEPRESSION, posted by sailor on January 11, 2004, at 14:03:07
Two quick notes here in case they are of some help:
1. Laura 777 -- "and are so frightened of the dopamine area"
2. Sailor ---"As many of you know, dopamine has been dutifully neglected by drug companies and practitioners, largely because of the "abuse potential" of drugs that might address ....
Sailor is presently on a Parnate trial, but I rather doubt it will effect dopamine. If you want dopamine levels to be increased in your brain, I would recommend Phenelzine Sulfate. It effects these neurotransmitters and hormones:
1. 5HT - serotonin
2. NE -- norephinephrine
3. DA -- dopamine
4. GABA Gamma Aminobutyric AcidNote: This drug has been completely reformulated by Pfizer as has Parnate as of the year 2003, because they had serious productions problems making a much older drug. They now use fewer excipients which cost them considerably less money.
I hope this is of some use to any or all of you. Sailor, if you would be so kind as to tell me how your Parnate trial goes, I would be most appreciative.