Posted by NikkiT2 on November 20, 2003, at 9:31:39
I'm suffering from a *really* dry mouth.. Its not like a dry mouth that I've suffered before. Its a very strange feeling.. like my tongue is soaking up any moisture in my mouth.. My tongue feels strange, and things are tasting wierd!!
Water makes it worse (bizarre but true), and it has a strange bitter taste (tried tap water, and various brands of bottled) and my usual love, Coke, leaves a really awful sugary taste in mouth mouth. So I switched to pink grapefruit squash (ach, you US guys don't have squash.. its like a fruit concentrate liquid that you add water to) and even that is tasting funny (yet I loved it all summer and was getting through bottles and bottles of it).
Nothing seems to refresh my mouth at all.. And my tongue is getting sore cos I keep sucking it in an attempt to stimulate some saliva.
This has been happening past two weeks.. been on Reboxetine about 6 weeks - 2 months now. (Sorry, brain dead from insomnia, so I forget total length of time)
Any ideas?? I see psych again next Tiesday, and don't want to give up on the Reboxetine yet.. It does seem to have lifted my depression a little and I'm not suicidal.. though agorophobia has returned with a major kick (When ever I leave the flat I start sweating HUGE amounts - clothes and hair totally soaked through within 15 minutes, even my jacket gets soaked through within 30 minutes, and totally freaking out)..
Nikki xx