Posted by bcabare on November 11, 2003, at 17:54:28
In reply to Re: Strattera updates?, posted by Mid- Life Crisis on October 15, 2003, at 23:58:33
Make sure you have an IEP filed at the school. My daughter was often singled out. Her actions warranted her being singled out at times, but not _ALL_ of the time. So when she was expelled for using drugs, and the drug dealer simply suspended, then I knew this wasn't right. Her mood disorders made her make more enemies of the teachers than allies. Had I filed an IEP stating her handicap, I might have saved a lot of frustration.
It wasn't until after two suicide attempts that I placed her in a group home to get help. After three years of hell, she is still a *big* handful. But she is alive and looking forward to graduating from an alternative school on the "B" plan and eventually going to school for interior design. When she was 14-16, I did have her on meds for being bi-polar, OCD, ODD, etc. Now at 17, I wish I could get her to use Strattera, which has been a Godsend to me.
> Frustrted Mom,
> My 15 yr. old son was also previously on Adderall (XR and the generic short-acting type) before trying Strattera. I'm at wit's end, because he gets in trouble for "disruptive" behavior, which the school labels disruptive even if it's only shaking his head when the teacher is talking and he tells me even the kids in his class accuse the teacher of not liking my son (and he CAN be trying, because he's the class clown type.) Believe it or not, this is an alternative high school which has loads of ADHD kids in it, and so lots of my son's friends are also ADHD. However, the teachers at this school seem to understand very little about ADHD. (Ironically, the school is sponsoring a local therapist presentation in a couple of weeks for parents entitled "What Parents Need to Know About ADHD Children". I wish this school would also consider one for the teachers as well! Sorry to vent!)
> Anyhow, Adderall made my son's normally sweet (for a 15 year old boy) temperament angry and oppositional...not like him. On Strattera, he just seems out of it so far, and says it makes him feel wierd, though I think some is the drowsiness. Only thing left to try after this is Wellbutrin, but that would not seem to address his problems, as he has no depression.