Posted by Ron Jones on November 3, 2003, at 22:00:40
I have agoraphobia and I am 90% better without drugs using fish oil and inositol.I also used blueberryleaf extract and it was like a wounder drug.Stoped OCD symptoms ,depression,panic attacks ,and 24 hour anxiety.Went to Walmart the next day and was totaly normal.May have found a wounder drug by accident.Read study done by Tufts U. That said blueberry could reverse age related mental and motor decline in rats.Nothing else had every done this for motor decline.Read that blueberry prevents glutamate exotoxcity and damage to brain cells by free radicals and chenical toxians.Also read that it could stimulate the regrowth of brain cells.Do not know how it works.Maybe this government agency on natural cures could test it.The strange thing is I got better and stayed better without taking more.I have never had anything do this.I had severe panic attacks and constant anxiety and ocd symptoms and it just all stoped in one day.I sat down on the bed and I felt like normal again.I was feeling like a crazy person.I felt like it was correcting something in my brain.I felt like I had a phografic menory.I woundered if it could bost IQ.It lasted for 10 days on one pill.My powers of visulazation were inhanced.I belive it effected my orbitol frontal cortex.I no longer have panic attacks.It was so powerfull that I have not used it just really was a strange experince and I did not know if it would ever wear off.My brain was clear and very sharpe no brain fog .It was inhanced greatly.I really felt like my IQ went up and my power to think.It really freaked me out .I was so normal and my anxiety was gone.I did not feel like I was about to go crazy anymore.I went to barnes and Noble and did not freak out in there.I drove home without haveing OCD fears of something bad had occured at home .I really think it needs to be tested.
poster:Ron Jones