Posted by scottkil on August 18, 2003, at 1:13:28
I have been on nardil since 1996 and smoked till 1998. Quit smoking with nicorette gum and I am know addicted to high doses and quantity, 12 to 24mg daily. Cost drove me to lifting without paying, caught twice, stopped lifting but cost is killing me. During the Nardil shortage 2 or 3 yrs ago I had to cold turkey Nardil for about 4 months and found no desire for nicotine until I was able to start Nardil again to which the severe cravings came back. Also as a side note Nardil also severly increased cravings and drinking of cola drinks to excess, 2 to 6 liters a day.
I demanded blood chemistry test from GP because no other DR would test from 1989. They always said "there are no tests for depression". After much research I found there are many things that can be lacking ie: testoserone, thyroid, etc. that can cause and or contribute. When tested I found low testoserone, two tests 210 in mid afternoon and 256 in early morning. These levels are at and below normal for a 38 yr old male. tommrow I am seeing GP to start testosterone treatments. The low testosterone/ low sex drive has been most difficult for my wife of 5 yrs, but me I feel I can live with or without much sex, odd for a male who also enjoys looking at pornography alot, almost to addiction, yet I did not have the porn addiction prior to Nardil, coincidence?
I will post follow up on testosterone and it's effects on my depression. Also lack of sex drive did not occur pre Nardil, although I was not sexually active.
Any one else have similar effects with Nardil and how did you deal with it?