Posted by DSCH on August 9, 2003, at 15:42:49
An aquantance of my mother was sucessfully treated for psorasis as an outpatient of the Pfeiffer Treatment Center after having a analysis done of her hair, urine, and blood. Intrigued I did a search and found their website. turns out I had already read about the co-founder, William Walsh, PhD, in the book Beethoven's Hair, in which they found that many of the composer's problems were likely the result of lead poisoning. Walsh had originally developed a link between other trace metals and behavioral problems through volunteer work at the Stateville Penetentiary in Joliet, IL.
Their site has a few testamonials from the parents of autistic and ADHD children as well as a sufferer of "bipolar disorder, schizo-affective disorder, schizophrenia".
With all the nutritional suppliment threads going, I thought it might be helpful to let others know there is a clinic that specifically looks for imbalances and treats them primarily through vitamins, minerals, etc..