Posted by girl on July 10, 2003, at 16:08:12
In reply to Love in the Days of Rage, posted by avid abulia on July 10, 2003, at 12:29:59
The book I was thinking of was Love in a time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez :)
I'm not into the bio-babble. I flunked Biology. I rely more on what I think and feel. I still am not sure If I'm bipolar, bipersonality or what. I sneaked into my file once and saw "recurrive depressive" All I know there are good days and there are bad days, but we are the kind of people that get very bad days.
There's been a lot of trouble with my fiance and me. My violent tendencies are under control now and I can identify what is going on before I really blow up.
My mother kind of understands what I go through with the medicine and the therapy, but the rest of my family... I might as well be taking pot if I'm already on Prozac etc. What I hate most is when they think I'm pretending or not making much of an effort. Who on earth would want to pretend to feel this way? It's not going to gain you friends or a partner. It's just quite frustrating.But you should be positive. You're doing better so the right girlfriend, the one who will do her best to understand is around the corner somewhere. Sometimes all we need is companionship.