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Re: Opiates/alcohol burning questions » Caleb462

Posted by Barbara Cat on July 3, 2003, at 13:14:50

In reply to Re: Opiates/alcohol burning questions, posted by Caleb462 on July 3, 2003, at 2:21:15

Thanks Caleb. I appreciate your very informed and helpful posts. I too think it's a dopamine surge and depletion, but why my body is so sensitive to this makes me wonder. Is there something out of whack with my dopaminergic system. Too little dopamine in the neuron vesicles and too many receptors at the receiving end? So perhaps the dopamine that gets released depletes the store, and then the dopamine in the synaptic cleft is stimulating the plethora of receptors into overdrive. But you'd think that the receptors would get the idea that there's not enough to go around and the excess would eventually die off.

All of my meds target NE and Serotonin, but nothing acts on dopamine. You'd think, however, that if I had a deficiency of dopamine that I'd have Parkinson's, or other extrapyramidal symptoms, and I don't. If anything comes to mind about this I'd appreciate your thoughts. - BarbaraCat




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poster:Barbara Cat thread:238575