Posted by Caleb462 on June 24, 2003, at 0:50:20
In reply to CALEB, Re: Celexa Users/SSRI Users/Anybody!!! , posted by McPac on June 24, 2003, at 0:27:10
> Caleb, just the dude I was hoping would respond!
> Check this out...I don't get this at all....Dr. Heller said that the ssri's all can raise, or overstimulate, the 5HT1a receptor, I found this info on Celexa AND Zoloft where it said that neither showed an effect at the 5HT1 site (I'm pretty sure I interpreted that right but I'm NOT sure)....HOW CAN THAT BE? Could you tell me what Celexa AND Zoloft each do at that 5HT1a site?
>Celexa and Zoloft... the chemicals themselves, have no effect on the 5-HT1a site. It is the extra serotonin in the synapse, provided by Zoloft/Celexa, that activates 5-HT1a receptors.
Buspar, on the other hand, and I'm talking about the chemical itself here (buspirone), directly bonds to and activates 5-HT1a receptors. I don't understand Dr. Heller's logic.
> McPac... have you thought about adding a mild sedative or anxiotylic to your regimen in order to lessen the anger on Zoloft? Neurontin perhaps? Or maybe Gabitril?
> >>>>>>>I've thought about Klonopin; but I KNOW that the Zoloft causes/exacerbates this problem and IF I could substitute the Zoloft for, perhaps Celexa, and NOT get that anger s/e then I might not even NEED the Klonopin....I'd like to try without it first.Quite understandable.
> Did you have anger problems with Anafranil? Just curious.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>NO!! And I don't know why (I would have thought its effects would be very similar to Zoloft but I've had different effects between the two meds....but NO anger at all from Anafranil...go figure???
>Well... there could be a lot of reasons Anafranil did not. The sedating anti-histaminic/anti-adrenergic effects may have helped. 5-HT2a antagonism could have been a factor... anti-chollinergic effects could also be a factor I would imagine.
> Or maybe try using Niacinamide?
> >>>>>>>>>>I can't (long story) take niacinamide.
> At this point I really don't care what s/e's Celexa would cause as long as I don't get this anger-induced crap! Would Lexapro have even LESS s/e's than Celexa (isn't it 'supposed' to?) ANY truth to Lexapro having less s/e's...due to the fact that I believe you only need a LOWER DOSE?
> ANY help is appreciated!
>Personally, I don't believe there is ANY truth at all in the whole "lexapro has less side effects" thing. It's a marketing ploy. Check the side effect profiles of the two drugs... they don't look much different do they? The only advantage to Lexapro is that it requires a lower dose... and uh, that is not much of an advanatage in my opinion.