Posted by kwazy on May 4, 2003, at 18:50:31
In reply to Celexa not working, any suggestions please ?, posted by janejj on May 3, 2003, at 22:33:16
I can completely relate to what you're going through. Prozac was the first antidepressant I took, but it seemed to poop out after a while. After Prozac I took a string of other anti-depressants, but nothing seemed to work (or if it worked, it pooped out like Prozac).
Feeling a bit nostalgic, I went back on Prozac, but it did absolutely nothing for me the second time around. If I were you, I would move on to a another class of drugs, as it sounds like the SSRIs aren't working for you. I don't think I have ever spoken to anyone who has not responded (or only responded moderately, or responded then pooped out) on 2 SSRIs, only to find that trying a third or fourth or fifth SSRI magically worked.
Sounds like you might want to try Wellbutrin, as that has the side effect of weight loss in some people (all SSRIs can cause weight gain). After Wellbutrin, there are MAOIs (Parnate - no weight gain) and TCAs (though I have no experience with these).
I think the main thing here is to not think that SSRIs are your only option just because so many doctors out there are too lazy or unknowledgable to try anything else.
good luck
> I have been taking celexa 20mg for almost 2 months now. I really don't know if its working though, I have frequent days where I feel in the depths of despair and feel like taking a whole bunch of pills (which I've never thought about seriously before). I guess that means its not working? Its also making me put on weight...I just feel so down all the time, like I just want to crawl out of myself.
> Prozac worked for me, but seemed to poop out. If I asked my doctor for Prozac again do you think it would work second time around ? Or do you think I should just give up on the SSRIs and try something different. I really need some help. I wish i could take a pill that wouldn't kill me, but would just give me a break from all these bad feelings.
> Thanks Janejj