Posted by matt66 on March 29, 2003, at 7:14:13
I've been chronically depressed getting worse since about age 10 (I'm now a 22 year old 250 lb male). treated since age 18. nardil worked beautifully for a month then pooped. tried everything including ect. on parnate now for 3rd time (other two trials didn't exceed a month). I want to sit on this one for a while (at least eight weeks) since an maoi was the only thing that ever worked for me (yeah, I've tried nardil like six more times) and it may be a matter of being a slow responder in this case since i have been chronically depressed (even though the nardil kicked in virtually immediately the first time). my question is: i've been on 30mg's for a few days doing ok. no better, but no worse (after a nightmare experience on desipramine). this morning (after taking cloral for sleep last night) i woke at 5am and couldn't get back to sleep so i decided to get up and do some work (I'm at college, beleive it or not). sitting at the computer, I'm so antsy, shifting around all the time. very physically agitated/anxious. i know parnate can be stimulating, but this is uncomforatable- so fidgety. any ideas or reccomendations?
much love