Posted by firefly on March 7, 2003, at 5:57:29
Woke up very early this morning (5:30am, after only a few hours of sleep), slightly shaky, with restless legs and some racing thoughts. I haven't had insomnia since before we moved last September. Since we've been here in this cabin-like apartment, I've been sleeping much better, but it feels like my insomnia is creeping back the past few days and I believe it's the Lexapro. It just feels similar to what I felt on the paxil - a jitteriness from the inside out, and a restlessness.
Yesterday evening I felt very jittery and even had some small brain zaps. Last night an hour after I took my dose of Lexapro, I was a little dizzy, bubble-headed, had fever-like chills and felt very uncomfortable for hours. After waking up feeling like this this morning, I am deciding that I am going to go off of the Lexapro and not take it anymore. My psychiatrist did say all of the things so far that I'm feeling (including the brain zaps) are common side effects of the Lexapro, and he left it up to me if I want to continue, being that I am so sensitive to medications, especially SSRI's it seems.
This stuff, and SSRI's, even in the smallest doses, has a powerful effect on me in a negative way - more negative than positive, and if this is what I'm feeling on so low a dose in so short a time, I do not want to continue. I do not want to risk a severe withdrawal like I had with the paxil. My thought is that the tiny bit better it's making me feel mood-wise is not enough to justify the negative side effects, including making me uncomfortable enough not to want to go out driving to work on my agoraphobia.
If by some chance I get off of it and feel the depression hit me hard again, I have other options. I could try this again, *or* better yet... retry St. John's wort. And spring is also just around the corner which will give me plenty of opportunities to raise my mood naturally, without negative side effects. Goodbye Lexapro.