Posted by Dinah on January 3, 2003, at 16:18:36
Originally posted by Mandyk 1/3/02.
> My sister is on Nardil for post concusive migraines and we drive to the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago for treatment. On Xmas Eve she ate sauerkraut(family tradition) which was ok'd by her doctor. She ended up having a pretty bad reaction and I took her to our ER and the doctors gave her Stadol which helped for about an hour, they also sent her home with diazepam (valium). Later that night her headache was much more severe, so we returned to the ER. They gave her Stadol again and it still didn't work. I don't mean to be rude but we are from South Dakota and the ER doctor had to look up information on the net, so I have to wonder if maybe there was something else they should have given her? If anyone knows, please let me know what I should ask for next time.