Posted by Wacko on October 18, 2002, at 18:58:26
I found your website a few weeks ago but just now decided to make a post.
Ive been under the care of a shrink for almost a year but thats not to say I didnt need one before that. After a very stressful period two years ago and a few days on Celexa I started having panic attacks. My first shrink put me on Neurontin and after 7 months I came to the conclusion it wasnt making a big differnce. I felt this doctor had left me out to dry so I left him and found a new doc. Most recently with my new doc I have been on Zyprexa and now Seroquel at the moment.
Neither of these dr.s will RX me a benzo to help get through the anxiety and panic attacks and I find that unaceptable. I just dont feel the Sereoquel is doing anything either. Im on 800mg per day. Im also a chronic pain patient because of a broken neck from a car wreck years ago. I suffer from Spinal Stenosis and am only able to barely work. Im going through terrible depression right now because of this and the financial troubles.
Feels like im laying on the ground and everyone is just stepping over me. My question is mainly about the Serouquel and when could I expect some results? Also what about this permanent damage im reading about? The Seroquel does make my muscles ache and my leg feel stiff. Im scared of this stuff!
Whats a guy to do??
Thanks, David