Posted by Tabßitha on October 14, 2002, at 3:35:05
Hi all,
I get insomnia from my celexa, both the can't get to sleep kind, plus the premature awakening kind. I've found that melatonin+B6 will get me to sleep most nights, unless I'm really wired from stress, then I take ambien. My 200mg Neurontin seems to be the key to staying asleep all night though. I tried cutting back to 100mg and started waking up before dawn again, even with melatonin and ambien. This went on for a week, then I went back to 200mg and started sleeping thru the night again. Ahh, sleep!Anway, my doc tends to give me low doses of sedating meds to offset the insomnia from the SSRIs. For a long time it was prozac+nortryptiline. The neurontin really isn't as sedating, but it seems to do the trick. I'd kind of like another option though, b/c the neurontin has other problems for me. Any ideas?
I'm also just curious, does anybody else do this kind of combo for SSRI insomnia?