Posted by lilsis on September 25, 2002, at 19:33:02
okay guys i am new at this and i never knew i was depressed until i was told i was. and now i started taking these pills and realized how very depressed i am. i just started taking them monday and it is now wenesday and i am completly fucked up. like these pills make me so high x doesn`t even compair no does cokaine. when does this high feeling go away. also i get the shakes really bad and feel incredibly cracked out. it feels like the morning after a drug binge. and the shakes are horrible and i am afraid to be around people now. i also can`t stop smiling around people i don`t like. i feel like i am naked in a room with 100000000 people and embarrassed so that is why i cant stop smiling. i get dreams of the next day but they are just dreams and it confuses the hell outa me. and the energy rushes make my heart feel like it is going to explode. and when i work out after 30 seconds of cardio i almost passout and can`t feel my body. please help explain
please help me find out what i should be on. i have bad temper tantrums out of nowhere and they can`t be controlled. when i try to control them i get sick to my stomach. i get horrible panic attacks when i think of anything really. like i will notcie my breathing and start hyperventilating or if i don`t under stand i get bad anxiety attacks. and i can not pay attention for the life of me and am hype as hell anyway and the fact that my mind keeps roaming makes me have more anxiety attacks. so what do you all suggest