Posted by Gabriela on September 16, 2002, at 4:00:28
In reply to paxil/celexa..and ginkgo, posted by maybelle on April 12, 1999, at 0:54:32
Hi! I need feedback please! I had a traumatic brain injury 7 years ago and it resulted in all sorts of problems - one of the main ones being that I cannot sleep. So, I have been on all sorts of medication. I have been on Temezepam for a while. In May '02 a doc. started me on 25 mg of zoloft - but since then i had all sorts of strange health issues - 1st it was an eye infection and I saw a variety of doctors and each one said it was something different until they all started saying t was severe conjunctivitis....but it never went near my other eye...something that would have happened considering how bad it was and how long it laste (1 month and 1/2!!). The, a month ago I bacme nauseus and vomitted a lot - but there were times during the day when it would go away and i would eat and be fine. Again, doctors did all sorts of tests and nobody knew what was wrong. SOOOO - I stopped zoloft 3 days ago and am no longer nauseus or vomitting - but this morning i had discharge from my nipple. I saw that somebody had mentioned that this happened to somebody they knew on zoloft - does anybody else know about it? I wasn't takng much. I am really confused and would appreciate hearing from anybody that might know more about this.