Posted by Benjamin W on August 11, 2002, at 4:07:39
Greetings all,
I've been lurking for a while, searching through the vast heap of messages as they pertain to a medication I'm currently taking, Adderall.
I've been on it for a year and three months, taking 10mg three times a day. A long-time ADD'er, I've been on Ritalin, Concerta, and Welbutrin. Far and away, Adderall is the one medication that has worked the best, and it is the one that I want to continue to use. However, I couldn't be so lucky as to have a great medication with no side effect, right? Oh nooo..
I experience a variety of the common side effects. Sometimes I get a headache, sometimes I get dry mouth. These side effects I can handle. But there's a new one creeping in..
About three months ago, I started to get a middle-to-lower back ache about an hour after taking my first adderall. The pain gets worse and worse throughout the day. At first, of course, I didn't link the two. I couldn't fathom how a psychoactive drug would cause my back muscles to ache. After running out of ideas, I decided to take a few weekend holidays from the drug, and sure enough .. the back pain went away, until I took the next dose Monday morning.
I only have a few theories as to what may be causing the back pain. I considered dehydration, so I started doubling the amount of water & poweraid that I drink, just to insure that I was adequately hydrated. No change. I've bought a new computer chair. No change. I've been to a chiropractor. Temporary relief, but the pain comes back with a vengance. I considered that perhaps the Adderall is depleating a certain mineral in my body, so I started taking multivitamins. No change.
Has anyone else experienced something similar to this? I'm desparate for an answer. My psych was no help at all.. he just told me that he didn't believe that the Adderall would have anything to do with it. But I *know* it is. It comes on like clockwork when I take the meds.
I'm to the point where I may need to take myself off it. My MD was no help either, by the way. As opposed to giving me anything for the pain (I'd tried all of the OTC stuff.. Ibuprofen, etc), he just recommened that I get off the Adderall, as he isn't much of a believer in ADD.
Any thoughts?
-BenPS > Some data on me, if it is of any help:
5'6, 26 years old, 150 lbs.
Also taking Prevacid for heartburn (it's a PPI class drug).
poster:Benjamin W