Posted by Iago Camboa on July 6, 2002, at 3:42:15
In reply to Re: try Xanax in stead of Buspar, posted by cybercafe on July 4, 2002, at 4:05:09
'American benzophobic disorder' (ABD for short) would be a good name for the characterization of people who seem to believe that 'benzos' are addictive & dangerous drugs (Xanax worst of all, an authentic creation by the devil himself... due to its "euphoric effects") .
[Let it be said here between brackets that I've been taking the Xanax 7 months since as an anxiolytic & have never experienced any *euphoric effects* whatsoever (nor any *dysphoric effects* for that matter)...].
The said 'disorder' goes to the point of making its victims believe that benzos in general and the Xanax in particular aggravate depression instead of helping depressed people out of it!
[Let it be said again between brackets that Xanax is indicated & used for the treatment of depression in several European countries (e.g. Switzerland, France & Germany) and a physician friend of mine tells me he finds it better than Prozac, IHHO]
It seems to be further 'accepted' by some 'benzophobics' (totally no offense dude...) that **Xanax sounds so good -- how could anyone *not* abuse it? :)** (sic). Fortunately enough this 'tragicomic' disorder is only common in N. America and is rarer in the rest of the civilized world where Xanax is considered as a trivial anxiolytic which only has the uncommon property of acting as an anti-depressant as well. Truly fascinating this 'ABD'!... Even children in a few kindergartens are now more scared with the 'benzoman' and his comrade the 'xanaxman' than with the bogyman and his cousin the most cruel hobgoblin... May the Almighty give to all 'benzophobics' a long life free of any of those dreadful "euphoric effects".
>Totally no offense dude.. but I think the doc might be concerned about someone who has a problem with alcohol ... I'm not making the comment that he should be concerned, just that he probably is....
> though in truth I don't know anything about Xanax myself... but isn't it like the most addicting benzo (due to euphoric effects?) ...
> probably safer to use something like clonazepam, if a benzo is to be used ...
> i really don't know the potential for abuse in this situation.. and even worse i have no clue whether or not benzos worsen depression or by how much ... Ug :( :(
> so it is so hard to say
> but Xanax sounds so good -- how could anyone *not* abuse it? :) i could sure use some euphoria out here, that's for sure
> .. hah.. i also hate those short acting benzos... i feel like i'm on an emotional rollercoaster ride...
> plus! .. if you wish to make sure you are taking the absolute lowest dose... you have to keep testing yourself to see if the anxiety is there or not... and then take it if it is...
> i hate that .. because i constantly end up having bad anxiety pop up in my day 3 or 4 times
> maybe this is totally limited to me ...
> but i just love the gabapentin, cuz i take the same dose everyday and i don't wait to see if any anxiety comes around, or worry about addiction, or sedation, or increased depression or memory loss .. :) :) .. it's like a guilt free anxiolytic to me
> -- this message has been brought to you by Warner-Lambert <GRiN>
poster:Iago Camboa