Posted by Denise528 on July 1, 2002, at 13:11:38
Anyone else there had really good effects from SSRIs and tryciclics in the past only to go back on them and find that not only do they not work they make you feel worse.
I've had this experience with Paxil, Seroxat and Prozac, I don't class it as tolerance because they were still working when I came off them. Now whenever I go back on them I get heaps of negative energy, where I feel like I have energy but can't seem to apply it to anything, can't concentrate, so I just end up chain smoking and driving around aimlessly and feeling suicidal. I know that they don't work in the same way anymore because the sensations I get now are so different. When I used to take them, they'd kick in almost immediately, I'd get a real boost from them, music would sound amplified (only not manic)
I've tried Effexor and although it kind of relaxes me and I am more focused on the little things, it makes me really tired, apathetic and sometimes even more depressed but in a different way.
Has anyone else had these experiences only to go on to find another drug that does work. I am beginning to lose hope and feel like nothing will ever work again. I think God gave me two chances and now I'm out on my own.