Posted by thealee on March 30, 2002, at 17:42:25
I have gotten myself into a real pickle. Due to a number of traumatic events in my life, two years ago I started to take buspar for anxiety. Later, Serzone for depression. I was doing well on both of those for well over a year. But insomnia was always a problem.. tried a number of different things.. herbals, nortryptilene -but settled on trazadone, at 50 mg. Also had a prescription to xanax, for "emergencies" - which I ended up using fairly often, toward the end. Insomnia worsened, and I was told to increase trazadone to 100 mg, then to 150. This, on top of everything else I was taking, seemed to change my body chemistry forever. I started experiencing "electric shocks" and tingling, pins and needles in all my extremities. I was told this was serotonin sensitivity. 8 weeks ago just toughed it off the xanax and trazodone alltogether. Then tapered off the Serzone, hoping to find a level that my body could tolerate. no go. After that started cutting back on the Buspar. I would have some good days right after I tapered, but then mostly bad ones. A month ago, stopped the last of the buspar. I still experience the pins and needles every day.. but the worst is the headache/logey/ flu-like feeling.. like my brain is only working at half speed. So now am I experiencing discontinuation syndrome? I've been told that it would be unusual for the meds I was taking. I kept some xanax for "emergencies" but have used it very sparingly. Was told by one doctor that what I was experiencing now was just anxiety.. and that I had to get used to the idea that I might have to be on some anti-anxiety med for the rest of my life. I resented that, but have found that when I do take some xanax (after gritting my teeth for days with these symptoms) I seem to improve. I have an appointment to have my hormone levels checked (47 year old female - could perimenopause be doing this?) and with a new doctor to see if there is anything that can help me. I want to feel like myself again, and its been a long time. But if I knew that toughing it out for another month, or two, I'd be over it, then I'd tough it out. Or should I submit to taking some sort of meds forever? Please help. Anyone else out there have an experience like this?