Posted by Er on March 4, 2002, at 22:28:34
Hi folks,
Well, today was my appointment with the dark narcomancer of dispensation, and he started me on the ol' Luvox. Now I have color coordinated meds so I think I'm finally straight (Wellbutrin-cerulean being my fave). For those of you who read and responded to my post from last week, thanks again, I'll respond to the new threads where, my Psychology Today...
Here's my question, and it proves that my clever subject line wasn't just for hilarity's sake. My pdoc always seems to prescribe the maximum dosage of anything he gives me...for example, it was Wellbutrin 400 to start (excluding the two weeks of building up to the dosage of course..)....Ritalin, BANG! 40mg a day (which is not max so I read but it's from from min)...Luvox 300mg a day. I wouldn't be surprised if his receptionist blows curare tipped darts into the clients' backs as they walk out the door...I'd also like to announce a littany of curses to my Insurance company who clubbed me over my head to the tune of 130 bucks today for my deductible. Though that's neither here nor there.
YEah, so back on the subject, sorry, ummm...yeah, does anyone have anything they can say on the matter of my doc's penchant for high doseing?Hyperactively yours and yours and yours,