Posted by JohnX2 on December 8, 2001, at 17:19:10
Bailing short term on Zanaflex..too annoying
dosing schedule.Starting Topomax on top of my Lamictal and
Klonopin and Zyprexa.Topomax from what I read increases GabaA Cl-
conductance which is basically how meds like
diazepam and klonopin work. So maybe this is
the right add on to Lamictal. Also modulates
the AMPA glutamate receptor.I've gained enough weight on Zyprexa to the
point that it is worrying me. Usually I don't
mind a little weight gain, but its getting to
the point of requiring a close resizing.
Anyways Topomax is supposted to kill my appetite
so maybe that will cancel out.Wish me luck.
Anyone out there try the Topomax + Lamictal duo?