Posted by BK on December 1, 2001, at 23:33:33
I've posted before, usually in reference to my experiences with Nardil. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had continual "blue" periods when I'm depressed and just can't seem to laugh. At other times, which are becoming fewer and further apart, I can have a tremendous sense of humor and can be very social and engaging. It's absolutely tortuous when my sense of humor is suppressed and I become very reclusive and anxious.
I've tried just about every AD out there as well as Lithium and Lamictal. I’m currently trying Neurontin, but haven’t had much success to speak of. When I first took Nardil, some 15 years ago, it was magical! I had absolutely no social anxiety and my sense of humor was just flowing. Looking back, I was probably a little manic, but it was the most incredible time of my life. Unfortunately, the Nardil popped out after three months and despite repeated attempts, it never seemed to work again. The only other drug that has had a relieving impact on my condition is alcohol, albeit a limited and unpredictable one. I’ve read several posting on Klonopin and its use to treat social anxiety and I’m thinking it’s worth a shot. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated