Posted by rjk on December 1, 2001, at 17:12:18
In reply to Re: Remeron and Effexor, posted by SLS on December 1, 2001, at 12:46:17
> > The worst thing I could have done! Before trying this combination I had reasonable success with both Prozac and Effexor. I tried Remeron and Effexor for about a month and stopped taking it due to the severe headache side effects that it gave me. The problem is that, having stopped it, my head is now so sensitive to medication that I cannot tolerate anything, not even Prozac or Effexor, which I previously had no problem with. Unfortunately it doesn't stop there, having come off medication altogether, my head is now so sensitive that even paracetamol makes me feel awful in the head. There is no doubt in my mind that the combination of Remeron and Effexor have caused me considerable harm. Both my General Practicioner and Psychiatrist have witnessed the extreme effect that medication now has on me and now seem to be of the same opinion. They are now sending me to see a professor who specialises in the side effects of antidepressant drugs. Based on my experience with Remeron and Effexor, I wouldn't suggest that anyone should try it. I certainly wish that I hadn't!
> Hi rjk.
> Thanks for the warning.
> I am considering adding Remeron to the Effexor I am now taking. Can you give a more detailed description of what you feel? In what way are you now "sensitive" to drugs? How long ago did you stop taking Remeron?
> Anything you can add will help.
> I hope this professor can help you out.
> - ScottHi Scott,
I had taken Effexor on its own for three years and had reasonable success with it. I then tried various other drugs including Remeron on its own and found that to be very good, but it brought me out in a rash, so I stopped taking it. Having gone back to my old faithful, Effexor, my doc suggested taking Remeron with it, on the basis that if I came out in a rash I could then just stop taking Remeron. I didn't get the rash this time, but what I did get was quite severe headache "pains" across the front of my head. I kept taking the two drugs for about a month before deciding that I wasn't getting anywhere with it, so I stopped taking the Remeron. The problem then was that I still got headache side effects with Effexor, which I hadn't had when I previously took Effexor on its own. I stopped taking Effexor because of the headaches and my doc put me on Prozac, which I had also taken in the past without a problem, but that also now gave me a severe headache. Since then I have tried various other drugs, all of which give me headache side effects. As for the sensitivity, one 70mg tablet of Lofepramine has the same antidepressant effect on me as anyone else taking 140mg a day for two weeks, it also gives me a severe dull numb headache, which lasts for weeks. My doc will not give me any more medication and, as I said earlier has referred me to a prof who specialises in the effects of antidepressants.
Scott, you may be fine taking them both, but I blame all my current problems on combining the two drugs.