Posted by lissy on October 20, 2001, at 10:19:14
In reply to Mice 101, posted by Gracie2 on October 19, 2001, at 23:18:55
> First, I would like to say that I used to have the same phobia with spiders. I do not have a professional opinion on the following event and I do wish that Dr. Bob would comment sometimes, but I believe that he has established a role here as editor, moniter and referee, and declines to give medical advice. We must work that out for ourselves.
> Anyway, although I will always be afraid of spiders, there was an occassion where I over-acted to the extreme. A thousand years ago, when I was still in high school, I saw a spider on the sidewalk and started to scream hysterically. I wasn't doing it for attention - I was utterly terrified. I was also 17 and pregnant, my boyfriend had deserted me, my parents didn't know about my pregnancy and I was afraid of them - my mother has such a violent temper that when I finally did tell her, in the parking lot at the doctor's office, she grabbed a fistful of my hair and slammed my head into the car door.
> So I think that I was transferring my fear and rejection and pain to this tangible object, a spider on the sidewalk. This might be something for you to think about.
> So much for amateur psychology. In a more realistic vein, you must find out how these mice are getting into your house. We never had a problem with mice until I removed the baseboards from the first-floor bathroom, since I was getting ready to lay tile on the floor. There was no obvious opening to the outside, but mice are capable of contorting themselves to fit into such tiny holes, you would have to see it to believe it. You need to inspect the baseboards of your house, including the basement and the second floor, because mice are excellent at climbing wires and cords. When you find any opening, no matter how small, pack it with a very coarse brand of steel wool.
> As for getting rid of mice that are already in the house, this is a nasty business. I wouldn't suggest poison, because mice will often die behind the walls where you can't get at them, and then you'll have to put up with the smell of decay. Your other two options are spring-traps and glue traps. I dislike glue traps, because the mouse will still be alive when you find him.(In that case, I think it is more humane to drown him than to simply throw him in the dumpster and let him die slowly.) Spring-traps will sometimes kill the mouse, but not always. If you opt for spring-traps, use peanut butter for bait. The old adage that mice are drawn to cheese is a myth.
> I hope this helps!
> -Gracie
> P.S. In case you're wondering where I got this information, my husband used to be a public health inspector. I learned to kill just about anything.
Thanks all,
I am more calmer today getting more used to it being here but
we have set traps w/peanut butter. Those were very
useful tips Gracie, we have had them before a couple
years ago and at our old houses but for some
reason this was just so much more traumatic.
I think your right about other stuff going on w/me
that is probably coming out in this. My husband
and I aren't getting along too well. This whole
terrorism and I have a few relatives that fly alot
and I get nervous everytime one gets on a plane.
But lots of marital probs lately so that is probably a
big factor.
Petey, I think the reason we all thought about meds
for me is because I have the O.C.D. so I have
other obsessive probs too that I try to control.
And I have had a few docs put me on the meds before
for the ocd. I don't think anyone would have said
meds if this were my only issue and I didn't have
OCD on top of it and other panic attacks in the past.
Thank you for your help guys.