Posted by sweetmarie on July 20, 2001, at 18:11:29
In reply to Re: HELP !! , posted by Edward on July 20, 2001, at 15:37:59
> I don't know if I can say anything to help, but I think I understand what you're going through. I'm leaving hospital for good in three weeks (day patient at the moment), and I'm not better. I've been on mirtazapine for months, and my psychiatrist sees a big improvement that I'm not feeling. I started going to the hospital last september and hit a low around february, which I'm out of now, but if anything I'm worse than I was when I was first admitted.
> According to my psychiatrist it's normal for your mood to fluctuate as it improves over a long period of time. Maybe the last week and a half hasn't been good, but that doesn't mean that you won't continue to improve.
> Let your parents know when you're finding things difficult. I felt a lot of pressure from mine to get better and get my life going quicker than I felt able to, but when I eventually talked to them about I found that I'd misunderstood, and they just wanted to support me as much as they could.
> Good luck,
> EdwardHi Edward
Thanks for your reply - it helps to know that I`m not alone, although I`m obviously sorry to hear that you`re not good.
The whole `parents` thing is complicated (isn`t it always?). I did tell my mother that I was nervous about this w/end, but she got mad with me and told me that I should think about her `for a change`. They fluctuate between being really supportive and understanding, being really distant, and getting fed up and cross about the whole situation. I guess that`s natural, but I was quite upset that she was so `off` about the w/end. Still, the hospital are aware of the situation, and how worried I am (about the w/end and my dip in mood). I was really upset this morning before I went to get the bus, and (unusually for me) I spoke to one of them. They told me that I could ring at any time, which was good of them. I know that I won`t though.
I sympathise with you about your psychiatrist`s view of your state of mind as opposed to your own. Everyone around me is convinced that I`ve come on in leaps and bounds - nurses, psychiatrist, family etc. It`s really frustrating.
Anyway, I hope that all goes well for you and thanks again.
Best wishes,
p.s. which hospital are you at?