Posted by Janelle on July 19, 2001, at 17:43:36
Sounds like a good idea in theory, but at least for me, and this is just my humble experience talking(!), I think coffee may have been a culprit in fueling my anxiety, obsessiveness, compulsions and hypomania - in hindsight, I had been gradually drinking more and more of it.
Also, having stopped for several months now and recently had a physical, I mentioned to the doc that I have fibrocystic (lumpy but benign) breasts, and when she did that part of the exam she said they were NOT that way! And she specifically asked me about my coffee consumption - when I told her I'd stopped a few months ago, she said this could very well be a factor - that coffee/caffeine can contribute to fibrocystic breasts!
When I get "all better" from this episode of depression et al., I'll probably cave in to coffee drinking but will MONITOR myself and LIMIT to my original intake of just one 12-oz cup in the am (and that was a mix of half reg/half decaf). I'd gone way beyond that without being fully aware of it.