Posted by v on July 19, 2001, at 13:25:22
ok, so i got some klonopin from a friend to try out... she gave me 1mg pills which i broke into quarters... so i'm only trying .25mg at a time
took one yesterday morning about 5:30am with my other meds and felt ok but i did seem more hungry than usual... took another one at 5:30pm and it knocked me out... i overate just to stay awake to watch the tour de france stuff on tv but gave in at 8pm and crashed...
when i first woke up, i felt groggy so i didn't take any with my meds... but about 2hrs later when the meds were really kicking in and i felt that frozen nervousness taking over, i took one... now i've pretty much just felt like shit today... no motivation, fatigued, flat...awful... yet i can still feel my heart doing its racing dance... and i'm still frozen in place - just want to go home and pull the covers over my headis the klonopin disagreeing with me? after all i'd heard about it anti-anxiety properties, i'm so disappointed...
might it be poorly interacting with my other meds: concerta, wellbutrin & effexor? or does it need more time before working?i see my pdoc next week... i was hoping to be able to suggest something to make me feel better...i'm considering neurontin as well but don't have access to it for a test drive... :)
any info would be appreciated... thanks