Posted by Zo on July 16, 2001, at 18:33:46
In reply to Best Tolerated Anti-Convulsant for BP, posted by Mr.Scott on July 16, 2001, at 17:43:27
Did you see my post on the other BPII thread about the Omega-3 regiment my pdoc wants to try before we go on to, I suppose, Lamictal. . .since I've already bombed out on Zyprexa, Geodon and Risperdol.
Having read widely on all three, it looks like best tolerated is as individual as we are. Neurontin is a very mild AC, anti-anxiety and pain med, which provides a good background for BP, but doesn't seem to be enough alone. It is very calming, and not sedating after initial side-effects, calms all those over-excited GABA receptor sites. Zyprexa causes weight gain for many, manuf. now saying that is mediated with Axid twice a day, an $$ OTC antacid. . .not for me! But wow, was it a great med.
Klonopin is the only benzo that is actually helpful, not just a bandaid - not that we don't need bandaids! sometimes for years! - but Klonopin has antiseizure and mood-stabilizing properties. Most benzos actually diminish Stage 4 sleep, which is so important to not activating mood swings.
OmegaBrite is online, post if you want the regimen repeated. My pdoc is definitely a med guy, this is the only "supplement" he's ever put me on.
Topamax seems to vary; I'd go on either T and Lamictal verrry gradually, and may. . .See Cece's posts.
Good luck,