Posted by Kristi on May 19, 2001, at 13:21:28
In reply to Re: kristi, posted by JahL on May 19, 2001, at 8:55:12
Hi, I
Should have read your second post a little sooner. So ignore the question about my repressed childhood. :-)
Well, I didn't really seem to have depressive tendancies before my mothers suicide.... the last 10 years or so have been pretty "happy" ones. I mean, I of course had my down days and stuff... my brother and sister were very depressed... but I think I did a lot of "blocking" .. but it worked for me I guess... at least until now. But right now I don't feel depressed. Well, its so hard to explain... I feel sad yeah.... and when I'm at work and around people I'm my social old self.. then as soon as I get home I'm so wiped out like "Phew.... now I don't have to do anything".. altho I want to do things.
I finally accepted a date for today to go watch the Laker game... good step for me I guess... but I really don't want to. It's my day off.. I'm so tired. But I'm hoping if I force myself too, I'll be okay. Once I'm around people... I seem to become happy again.... and I love the Laker's so that might bring a smile to my face alone.
Unless they loose. :-)
Can I ask why the Ad's were unpleasant for you? Probably a dumb question, the whole side effect thingy.
I think your right... I may need more opinions. I have seen 3 pdoc(all recommended to me by my therapist).... but again....just the... "oh, you'll never be ok until you start taking....(then whatever sample he throws at me"... even after me detailingly(is that a word?) telling him I don't want to go that route.. is there something else?"
I am seeing a new one next week... and I will definately bring up mood stabilizers. Gosh how I wish there was something I can take in the morning to just give me the energy I want to do the things I want to do. I wonder how many people have thought that?!?! Anyway J, thanks for all your help. Much appreciated..... take care, Kristi. P.s. If anyobody out there has read my horrendously long posts.... do you know anything about Chronic fatigue syndrome?
> > So this odd ball t-shirt. Where can I find one?
> Your average psychotherapist will be wearing one;-)
> I actually meant I had the psychotherapy T-shirt (been there, done that etc)! I don't think I'm oddball-or at least noone says so to my face.
> > >I guess when I was explaining about being depressed because of my mothers suicide... this fatigue has surfaced since.
> I'm assuming you had depressive tendencies before this?
> . > >You suggested that physical and psychological treatments are in order.
> Some wld argue the psychological treatment is most important in yr case but even if it 'works', it's a long-haul. Given the right meds (+therapy), you can enjoy some degree of relief sooner. ...
> > >.. but do you know of any AD's or something.... that won't cause the horrendous side effects I feel(and seems like you do to)...
> I can only really talk about my own experiences. I"ve tried just about all the ADs, none worked, & all were to some degree unpleasant.
> Don't think anyone here can say "this Ad will wk for you & you'll have no side-effects". It's the old 'yr mileage may vary' scenario.
> > >My confusion is that I'm not sure where to go... I'm not sure that's what I need. . The main reason I'm looking for advice is because my pdoc.. or any doc I see.... just seem to throw samples of ad's at me....
> Mmm. Sounds familiar. I'd say get a 2nd opinion, but you seem to have done that (or were they plain ol' DOCS?). Maybe, as you say, meds are not for you, but I wouldn't come to this conclusion until you have spoken to a pdoc who is aware of the alternatives to anti-depressant drugs (ie mood-stabilizers).
> A toughie, especially given the 'repressed childhood memories' thang. Not something I understand myself, & I wouldn't know what the implications are for you. What I can say, w/o fear of contradiction, is that *some* therapists place too much importance on yr formative yrs (hence 'false memory syndrome').
> Hope it all works out,
> J