Posted by cole on March 16, 2001, at 20:09:17
I looked through the archives and I didn't see any discussions on this topic. I've been on remeron for around 6 months this time. I started at 45 mg, and when it stopped working, took it up to 60 mgs and regained the anti-anxiety/ depression effects. 60 mg seems like the dose I need to take to be completely depression free, but I have been having some problems with school lately and I was hoping I could get your input before my pdoc appointment on wed.
Ever since beginning remeron I have needed extra time on exams. I am currently studying science. I already have my BA in two of the humanities, and I never had trouble with time on exams before. My SAT scores were high, and as my mother reasoned, it's obvious I didn't require extra time in high school. So I'm wondering what is going on. Luckily the University I am currently attending is allowing me time and 1/2 on exams in a distraction-free environment on account of my depression. I just took my finals, and I honestly feel like I bombed my physics exam because the time & 1/2 wasn't sufficient (I ran out of time). I feel really slow, it takes me a long time to process things, and when I am in class and I professor asks me a question I go completely blank. This wouldn't be so much of a problem except I am planning on taking the MCAT in August, and to avoid having my scores flagged I am not requesting accomodations. This exam is very time dependent, and I am scared to death that I will not do well because of my AD making me an absolute slug. I have been taking ritalin to help me concentrate when I study and take exams (I haven't taken more than 5mg/4hr stretch), but I feel like it stopped working or something during finals because I was so slow and had such a difficult time following what I was doing. Does anyone have any idea of what is going on? I have been depressed since before high school, I took zoloft and trazodone during those years, but I think the zoloft made me aggressive/ more prone to self mutilation and eventually it completely stopped working.
During finals I've also been adding 12.5 mg of trazodone to help me sleep after taking ritalin, but I seem to have this problem on days when I haven't taken the trazodone. This the only AD that has ever almost completely gotten rid of my depression and anxiety, but I need a game plan so that I will be able to do well on the MCAT. I'll be taking a test prep course this summer, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do med-wise. Would a stronger stimulant help? Thanks in advance,