Posted by Pandora on February 10, 2001, at 0:17:57
In reply to Good. Now focus on your work, and stop and smell » Tracy, posted by Rzip on February 9, 2001, at 23:42:25
I don't know if this will help, but it's worth a try. You say a major stumbling block is not being able to get your school to recognize your situation without a diagnosis. I have worked in the mental health arena in Texas for several years, most recently with a state and county funded agency. Almost EVERY person who was assessed by us was given a diagnosis. Granted, there were some who really didn't have a psychiatric disorder (I worked with kids and sometimes the school refered them or their parents brought them in for minimal difficulties or learning disorders, etc. - in the mental health part of the agency we only dealt with axis I disorders and no v-codes). Anyway, my suggestion is to find a similar agency and go for an assessment there. Chances are you will have to pay out-of-pocket for the service (ours is ~$120) since they probably are geared toward those who have no insurance or are below poverty level. However, if they are run at all like our agency, you would be given a Dx and could have a therapist or psychiatrist fill out the proper forms to allow you help at school. I would never presume to diagnose anyone over the internet, but from what you've already written, I can almost guarentee if we sat down and I conducted an assessment, you would have SOMETHING to take away with you.A second though -which I'm sure you've already explored - is to use the school's counseling center for an assessment.
I realize that effective treatment is what you need most and that my suggestions don't really address that, but I hope this has been of some help. Good luck, and hang in there! (Oops, that was almost a c-hug... sorry!) : )