Posted by Katz on February 6, 2001, at 18:22:06
In reply to Re: Kathy, posted by AndrewB on February 6, 2001, at 2:27:56
Hi Andrew,
Actually, the fact that you are not an MD is a comforting one. I have no confidence in the
medical profession where incompetence seems to reign! I'm sure there are some very good
doctors out there but finding them is like playing Russian Roulette!Addressing your question: Dexedrine was inert from day one and possibly caused depression over time. Of course the depression could have been caused because of my disappointment that it was not working. Adderall was never tried. I did cocaine on two
occasions 15 years ago. It was so good that I never did it again because I knew I would
become addicted. To steal a phrase from JohnL, Andrafinil or in my case Methylphenidate
"snuck in threw the back door". My girlfriend was the first to notice the profound change in
my personality. Question: is it possible that I will not build up a tolerance to
methylpehnidate in the same way that ADD/ADHD patients "supposedly" do not?Seeking out a doc to prescribe amphetamines is a difficult one. I will try! I will do as you say
and place a post looking for information about a pharmacology doc in my area. I have seen
pdocs at two large teaching hospitals without success. My requests for amphetamines were
denied. To them, the idea was taboo! I will call again and ask for a pharmacology doc
specifically but quite frankly I believe those where the types of docs I was seeing. I live in
Worcester,Massachusetts and my only alternative may be to go to Boston. I really don't
know if I can do that. I am phobic about Boston! But with your support and all the support
that I have been getting from this wonderful board, I just may be able to find the courage to
do that. I will gather what information I can and aim for a spring appointment. I will need
that much time to psych myself up for the task.In the meantime, do you have any other ideas as to a new med to experiment with?
Pikmileone? COMT? One of the other antiphychotics? Lithium? I believe my last doc was
about to try lithium (even though I am not bipolar). From what I have read, lithium seems
counter indicated in my case. It seems like it would really knock me out!Andrew, I have another question about biochemistry that may or may not yield another piece
to the puzzle. I have struggled with weight issues since puberty. In my early twenties I lost
the weight and kept it off for approx. 7 years using the drug Ionamin as an aid. I maintained
my weight on starvation level calories (500 or under). I remember thinking at the time that I
felt "normal" for the first time in my life. I think it was the Ionamin. But that is not the point that I am trying to get to. I am now 47. My real psychological problems began at 27 when
coincidentally, I stopped taking the ionamin. Still not the point. This is: I am unable to lose
weight despite extremely restricted diets. It is the exact same phenomena that those on SSRI's
are complaining of. "The body refuses to release it's fat." Here's the clincher: during the 5
days I was on the amisulpride, I developed a ravenous appetite and I actually lost 3 pounds!
Now, whether the amisulpride was responsible would have taken a much longer trial but I
find the coincidence fascinating. It may also be of interest to know that I never lost a pound
while on the methylpenidate.Again, I must apologize for my lengthy reply. It's just that you seem to have such a keen
grasp of biochemistry that I am almost hopeful that given enough clues, you just may be able
to unlock this mystery.I have already placed an order for sulpride and requip. Since I have nothing better to do, I
guess I will give them a try. Who knows, the sulpride may be just different enough to work.
If you have any other ideas up your sleeves, please let me know.With sincere gratitude,
p.s.- have you heard the latest news from the medical profession that exercise is a cure for
depression. Now who' s the genius to put forth this theory? It's long been known that exercise
releases endorphins that make one "feel good". Could this jerk possibly be suggesting that
one in the depths of depression or in the grips of anhadonia implement such an impossible
undertaking? So much for medical expertise! The information I have gathered on this board is of greater value than anything any MD has ever offered.> Kathy,
> I'm sorry that you've been sufferring so.
> First of all, I'd like to say that you can get your life back. I'm going to give you a roadmap on how to get back on methylphenidate or another but before I do would like to say a couple of things.
> One, I'm in no way an expert and have no medical training. I have however taught myself about mood and related disorders due to dysfuntion of the dopaminergic and glutaminergic system, an area largely ignored by mainstream US psychiatry unfortunately. I can offer suggestions for people who may have disorders of this nature but my best suggestion I believe is that if you have a mood disorder unresponsive to traditional ADs seek the best help out there. That usually means going to a person self-described as a psychopharmocologist.
> Kathy do not do a trial with bromocriptine. It is not worth your time.
> About your dizziness, the dopaminergic system has pathways that extend to the inner ear. Dopamine keeps the glutaminergic excitatation in check in the inner ear. Your dizziness due to amisulpride may be an indication of glutaminergic dysfunction (just as JohnLs tinnitus in response to so many meds may be). Dopaminergic and glutaminergic dysfunction can be very much intertwined. I can't say for sure without doing some research, but it seems that even at 25mg.s, the amisulpride is antagonizing the postsynaptic receptors rather than the desired target, the presynaptic dopamine autoreceptors.
> Now a question, you tried a couple other stimulants like dexedrine, did you have any initial response to these meds that quickly faded away or were they inert upon your system from day one?
> ****Okay you can get methyphenidate for mood disorders or other amphetamines without too much trouble. The key is to locate the right doctor. This will require some phone calling on your part. Social phobia can make this daunting but you need to be brave because the alternative is to let let your life wind itself out amoungst the shadows.
> Step 1: Write a note on this board telling people where you live and if anybody knows of a good doctor in your area who has prescribed them amphetamines.
> Step 2: Call the psychiatric departments of large nearby hospitals and ask for names and contact information for psychopharmocologists. (GPs often refuse to prescribe amphetamines for mood disorders, the more knowledgeable professionals however tend to be much more willing.)
> Step 3: Call the psychopharmocologists, you will usually get a receptionist or an answering machine, tell them you are prospective patient and (if the pdoc is taking patients) ask to arrange for a 5 minute phone conversation with the pdoc at a prearranged time.
> Step 4: Write down what you want to say before hand if you think you will be nervous during this conversation. In the conversation, briefly describe your condition, mention your positive response to amphetamine, and ask if he would consider prescribing an amphetamine to you after he had a chance to review your case during a session with him.
> You may eventually want or need to add an adjunct to your methyphenidate or try another yet another amphetamine. I will always be here to give more suggestions. But this is enough for you take take on at this time.
> I'm rooting for you so please keep us informed on how it goes in locating the doctor that will meet your needs.
> Best wishes,
> AndrewB