Posted by felix on November 30, 2000, at 14:46:19
Would anyone out there care to comment if there is a Norephramine syndrome and thats why Effexor has so much withdrawal contraversial post ?
It has such a quick brain clearing strong brightness that I'm still recovering from the idea, that a drug is legal does this. Plus I only had it a week and half and when I missed a day I could'nt get of the floor for 24 hours. I felt like I was glued to it.I'm new to drugs like Prozac and Effexor.
The prozac has stability written on it I feel, but the Effexor I'm not sure of. I have little trust of anything that good which feels like an illegal brew. I read about the clinical trial process, and they don't have proper trials for withdrawal or long term repurcussions. Also Effexor works on crack cocaine withdrawal. So this whole Norephramine/Effexor issue has me a bit scared. Do cocaine addicts need Norephramine ? If so the only drugs that help that problem have real addiction issues. And Low and behold so does Effexor.From where I stand drug research is pressurised by need. It costs Billions just to get FDA for a basic need drug like depression trialed for human toxicity.
I have read abstracts from the Effexor trials and all the talk is on Neurotransmitter action and postive Vs Placebo. Anything on addiction gets written in later as an afternote. I realize Effexor does not have dosage dependancy and bypasses the CNS feedback loop.
Can this be true. Can a drug this strong be safe ? Replies in Neurologileze only.