Posted by JohnM on October 21, 2000, at 8:32:03
What is the bottom line on long-term use of Valium (5-10 years or more)? I took it for a few years, then I tried stopping for a while. Taking a pill 3-4 times a day didn't feel natural. During the time of being off of Valium, I really struggled. I just felt neurotic and was reluctant to make social contact. I've tried 7 anti-depressants but none of them agreed with me. Anyway, I'm taking Valium again.
I always see warnings on how benzodiazepines are addictive/habit forming. Well I could say I agree with that--but I'd have to include a side note: When I first started taking Valium (at age 22), it was like the biggest weight was taken off my shoulders. A weight that I had carried since probably junior high school. I felt normal! I felt good! I was able to socialize well with others. I could stand up for myself when treated poorly. Granted, I could have had a better philosophy of life and better social skills in those "earlier days," which could have helped me cope with the often difficult world--but that's water under the bridge. Needless to say I've worked hard to learn and practice rational-emotive theory (a cognitive psychology) and it has made me tougher and more realistic.
Nevertheless, at this time, I still find I don't feel normal and clear in my head without a tranquilizer. And I'm not about to hang out in an AA meetings the rest of my life so they can pat me on the back and tell me I'm alright (been there, done that).
Please excuse my ramblings. I guess I just have a guilty conscience about my "dependency" on tranquilizers. I hope science makes a breakthough into the treatments of mental disorders; in the meanwhile I feel like I'm biding my time.
But back to my question: does anyone have insights into the long-term use of Valium or perhaps can think of some alternatives? Any input would be greatly appreciated.