Posted by Peg on September 2, 2000, at 15:42:33
Because of my lawsuit, I have learned so much about the medical community and the law.
Did you know that in most states, doctors are NOT required to carry any malpractice insurance. Yet if you own a plumbing shop, you have to carry a minimum amount of liability insurance. Even to drive a car you are required to carry insurance for the protection of others. But not doctors! It is so frightening to think of all the surgeons out there performing heart surgeries,brain surgeries,etc. and they are not required to carry insurance in case they are neglegent. They are not required to tell you if they have ever been sanctioned or sued. That is why they are trying to pass the patients bill of rights in Washington. Most malpractice cases are currently covered up by doctors and hospitals. Only after my doctor burned 50 holes in my intestines , and I sued him did I find out that I was the fifth person to bring a lawsuit against him. He currently has no property in his own name and only carries $200,000. in malpractice insurance. That may sound like a lot of money to some, but after attorney fees, it remains a scant amount in comparison to my medical bills.
What is killing me the most is that now 2 years after he punctured my stomach and burned my intestines, he is still performing the procedure on others. I have learned that the Ultra Sonic Tools used in surgeries have the capability to "arch" and therfore burn organs such as heart,kidneys,etc. That is why the hospitals make you sign consents that if you die they will not be held responsible. That is why doctors are now considered more or less "contract labors" in relation to the hospitals, so that hospitals cannot be sued for doctors mistakes.
Beware, if you ever have surgery, and the term "laser" is used to assist in the surgery, check it out.
I will have to continue this later. My son just came home from work.
Blessings to all.