Posted by scott behrman on July 6, 2000, at 17:23:25
has any one heard of throat pain associated with serazone? was working at 150mg a day for a month with
no promblem then developed throat pain dr tried higher
dose of 300mg inceased anxiety level and had tremendous
physical anxiety. drug worked 2 years ago perfect for
anxiety and panic after 7 or 8 months tapered to 50mg
before bed no recurance of anxiety or panic. then started not taking 50mg dose missing and cutting two
months later had tremendous heartburn thought it was
a heart attack which led to a panic attack then generlized physical anxiety with a touch of deppresion
started taking 150mg a day again of serazone , prevacid
30mg, contnued taking cozar 25mg for blood pressure
which i had taken with serazone for two years.everything was working great except after about
a 3weeks started getting back pain after taking the prevacid dr lowered dose 10mg lowered back pain . fine
then one week later got a pain in my throat after taking it stopped it . then got pain when taking cozarr
in my throat dr stopped blood pressure medication. anxiety increased dosage of serazone after increased anxiety fluctuated from
150mg to 100 for a couple of days then went to 300mg throat pain in adams
apple increased went to ent and gi doc both said try a
new proton pump inhibitor drug. by that time serazone
was increased to 250mg to 300mg causing tremnedous anxiety and physical agitation. washed out serazone and
was put on zanax with no throat pain 0.25mg 3 times a
day . dr tried celexa 40mg had throat pain and nausea
one day. last 3 days has me on xanax 0.25mg 3 times a
day may go to klonopin 0.5mg 3 times. there has been
no throat pain on xanax also taking axcid for gurd
similar to zantac a 150mg dose at night. lost 16lbs
since this has started with weight at 19olbs but,
very low appetite levels.Any docs have any advice on
this situation blood pressure has fluctuated in last
10 days from 150/102 to 130/90 depending on anxiety level when taken. also, have had some pain but,
has been feeling better. dr feels see wants me to feel
anxiety free for awhile before she switchs me to
somethingelse. im very senstive to medications and
tend to get side effects have had chronic fatique in
past seems to be in remission. any answers
poster:scott behrman